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If you’re new to plasma pen therapy, it’s normal to have questions and concerns. For example, can plasma pen cause hyperpigmentation? Is that a factor to be concerned about from treatment?
Hyperpigmentation caused by plasma pen treatment is not a facet that every individual needs to be concerned about, though it may come into play due to treatment. Occasionally the skin reacts to the microtrauma inflicted upon it, resulting in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This is only temporary and will fade, but it is crucial to incorporate proper aftercare to protect the skin from hyperpigmentation from UV light exposure or inflammation inflicted by damaging skincare products.
Interestingly enough, a plasma pen for hyperpigmentation is frequently used to eliminate dark spots that may be inflicted on one’s skin. So hyperpigmentation from treatment is temporary, especially when aftercare is taken seriously, and plasma pen therapy can be used to treat hyperpigmentation. And throughout this article, we will dive into what exactly hyperpigmentation is and how to avoid it effectively!
What is a Plasma Pen & How Does it Work?
Before we can get into using a plasma pen for hyperpigmentation, we need to provide some background information to those who are new to this therapy. What is a plasma pen & how does it work?
A plasma pen is a small hand-held device used to treat skin areas for various reasons like wrinkles, skin tags, etc. Using a plasma pen on eyelids and using a plasma pen for eyes are also popular use-cases of fibroblast therapy.
Using a non-invasive method, the fibroblast plasma pen activates collagen and elastin in the skin. Converting electrical energy into gaseous diatomic molecular nitrogen is transmitted to the probe by impulse. Nitrogen and oxygen combine to produce an arc of plasma that discharges into the skin's epidermis, causing micro-trauma to the epidermis.
What Exactly is Hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation is a common condition, often harmless, in which patches of skin may become darker in color than the standard surrounding skin color. Some common causes of hyperpigmentation include exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light and inflammation.
This condition can appear differently as it does not have a set appearance. It can cover large areas, affect the entire body, or occur in small patches. There are various types of hyperpigmentation, but the typically talked about ones include sun spots, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Melasma occurs most commonly on the stomach and face. It is caused by hormonal changes and is often developed during pregnancy. Sunspots, also known as liver spots, are caused by excess sun exposure and often appear on the hands and face. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation results from injury or inflammation of the skin, the most common cause being acne.
Can Plasma Pen Cause Hyperpigmentation - or Does it Help With it?
If you’re wondering if plasma pen therapy can cause hyperpigmentation or if it’s common to use a pen for hyperpigmentation, continue reading for more information!
What Typically Causes Plasma Pen Hyperpigmentation?
Plasma pen hyperpigmentation can result from treating skin that is not the ideal candidate for fibroblast plasma pen treatment. As discussed in our post on plasma pen scarring, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are a raised risk for Fitzpatrick skin types IV, V, and VI.
These skin types are more likely to be subject to scarring or pigmentation issues post-treatment. People with darker skin are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation as their skin is already producing melanin, which gives skin its darker coloring. When trauma or hormones are triggered, there is an increase in melanin production, causing hyperpigmentation or dark spots.
Even skin types that fit the ideal criteria - Fitzpatrick skin types I, II, and III - are susceptible to hyperpigmentation post-plasma pen treatment. Why is that?
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) can develop after cosmetic procedures. This is the skin’s reaction to injury and fades within 3-6 months post-treatment. It is essential to avoid the sun within this healing range and wear strong sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the skin from permanent or extensive hyperpigmentation.
Is This Normal?
Hyperpigmentation from plasma pen treatment is an entirely normal part of the skin’s healing process. Your skin will appear darker as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs during the healing process. The skin will lighten again anywhere from 1-6 months post-treatment.
Can You Avoid/Recover From Hyperpigmentation After Plasma Pen Therapy?
The skin condition isn't avoidable when it comes to plasma pen hyperpigmentation. Still, there is a way to help the skin recover quicker and prevent hyperpigmentation from worsening or becoming permanent.
PIH does not always occur as a side effect of treatment. It depends on your skin type and how your skin reacts to the micro-trauma caused by fibroblast plasma pen treatment.
After treatment, it is highly recommended to avoid the sun as the skin is sensitive and needs to focus on healing. In addition, if the skin is exposed to UV light post-treatment, it can cause hyperpigmentation.
There are other tips to avoid and recover faster from hyperpigmentation caused by plasma pen treatment, which we discuss below.
Tips to Avoid Hyperpigmentation After Plasma Pen
As you now know, this is a relatively normal part of the healing process for fibroblast therapy. But, keep reading for tips on avoiding hyperpigmentation after plasma pen therapy - or speeding up the recovery window.
Get Safe, Quality Treatment from the Comfort of Your Own Home
One of the first recommended steps to avoiding hyperpigmentation after plasma pen treatment is using a high-quality pen to treat your skin.
Featuring the best fibroblast plasma pen, Dermavel has specially designed our viral skincare tool to be safe, affordable, and effective. Our plasma pen for sale is guaranteed to give you the glowing skin you’ve been yearning for.
Approved by big names like NBC, Fox News, GQ, and Elle, our plasma pen has the backing to prove its worth. But if you’re still unsure, take a look at our Dermavel plasma pen review and plasma pen before and after pictures for results and reviews from real customers.
Avoid These Mistakes to Prevent Hyperpigmentation & Other Side Effects
When it comes to treatment and preventing plasma pen hyperpigmentation, you must follow these plasma pen safety tips.
Any type of skincare tool or product has risks that tag along with it, which is why before starting treatment, it’s essential to read up on plasma pen dangers and plasma pen mistakes to avoid. Reading up on the instructions on how to use a plasma pen safely, what not to do, and how to care for your skin after treatment drastically reduces any risk that may coincide with fibroblast plasma pen treatment, including hyperpigmentation.
Take Time for the Healing Process & Aftercare
The healing process after fibroblast plasma therapy will be one of the most important factors in preventing extensive hyperpigmentation after plasma pen treatment. Therefore, learning plasma pen aftercare will drastically reduce the chances of permanent hyperpigmentation post-treatment.
Our article on aftercare answers the questions of when can I wear makeup after plasma pen treatment and when can I wash my fash after plasma pen treatment, as only certain products should be used on the skin post-treatment to avoid the risk of infection or further inflammation.
It is also important to learn how long does it take to heal from plasma pen therapy to avoid hyperpigmentation. Although the skin is very sensitive and more susceptible to damage after plasma therapy, educating yourself on the plasma pen day-by-day healing process will make it easier to prevent hyperpigmentation, speed up the healing process, and obtain optimal results post-treatment.
Final Thoughts on Plasma Pen Hyperpigmentation
Can plasma pen cause hyperpigmentation, and should you be worried about it post-plasma therapy?
In this article, we went into detail on what hyperpigmentation is, what causes it, and if you should be concerned about it after plasma pen treatment. Hyperpigmentation is avoidable, though in some cases, temporary hyperpigmentation, labeled post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), can result from treatment in reaction to the microtrauma inflicted.
Using a high-quality device, like our fibroblast plasma pen, is a surefire method to prevent extensive damage or hyperpigmentation that may be inflicted with a low-quality, poorly designed plasma pen.
Stop looking in the mirror, wishing those nagging wrinkles and under-eye bags would magically disappear. Instead, invest in Dermavel’s plasma pen today to achieve the glowing, wrinkle-free skin you’ve been dreaming about!