In This Post
Avoiding common plasma pen mistakes is crucial to achieving the best post-treatment results and preventing the risk of injury or scarring.
Aiding others in achieving the youthful glow they’ve been dreaming of but couldn’t achieve through other methods of skincare treatment. Fibroblast plasma pen treatment has overrun the skincare world for its magnificent benefits in combating aging and other skin issues like skin tags or sagging skin. But like anything good, there are things to avoid to prevent the risk of problems like less than optimal results or more significant fears like scarring.
This article will discuss the most common mistakes to avoid during and after treatment and how to avoid making them!
A Brief Overview of At-Home Fibroblast Plasma Pen Treatment
Famous for its impressive benefits in the skincare world, fibroblast pen treatment is commonly used to address common issues like wrinkles, skin tags, and age spots. In our post discussing what a plasma pen is, we detail the logistics of plasma pen treatment.
In contrast, at-home fibroblast plasma pen treatment is a safe and affordable method to address nagging issues like forehead wrinkles or skin tags without breaking in the process. This skincare tool is a great way to eliminate skin issues for a youthful, healthy glow. But how? Well, the plasma pen uses non-invasive fibroblast therapy to stimulate collagen production. And as many know, collagen plays a huge role in skin quality. So by stimulating collagen production, the skin lifts, tightens, and replenishes for a rejuvenated, youthful glow!
The Most Common Plasma Pen Mistakes & How to Avoid Them When Treating Your Skin at Home
When it comes to plasma pen treatment, there are loads of common mistakes that can be made. Unfortunately, when it comes to plasma pen treatment at home, even more mistakes can be made.
Thankfully, there’s a way to avoid every single one of them. Follow along to find out how!
Using a Low-Quality Plasma Pen & Expecting Impressive Results
If you’re expecting high-quality results, you can’t expect them from a low-quality at-home plasma pen.
It can be overwhelming to figure out what at-home plasma pen to invest in. That’s why we made a post discussing the best plasma pen for at-home use. From what criteria to look for and what makes a plasma pen the best choice, we go over these essential details in our post to make it easier for you to make your choice to invest in a high-quality plasma pen. We even evaluate Dermavel’s fibroblast pen and its safety for at-home usage.
Not Checking Skin Type Before Attempting Treatment
Before attempting treatment, you must ensure you are the ideal skin type for treatment.
Not all skin types are not only “ideal” for fibroblast plasma pen treatment. It can be harmful. Serious repercussions like hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, burns, and scarring can occur for skin types like Fitzpatrick skin types IV, V, and VI, all have darker skin that tans quickly and have high risks of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and burn scars if treated with fibroblast pen treatment.
On the other hand, Fitzpatrick skin types I, II, and III are ideal candidates for plasma pen treatment. These skin types all have fair to average skin color and are more likely to burn than tan.
Ensure that you are an ideal skin type for fibroblast plasma pen treatment before proceeding with treatment!
Improper Plasma Pen Use
As discussed in our post, “Are Plasma Pens Safe?”, how you use a plasma pen can raise or eliminate safety risks.
You are encouraging improper plasma pen use by not following the guidelines dictating how to use the plasma pen correctly. An example would be making direct contact with the skin with the pen head. The correct distance to hold the plasma pen during treatment is 1-2 mm from the skin. Holding the plasma pen at the incorrect distance withholds any possible benefits from the treatment by not allowing the fibroblast room to engage and stimulate collagen production.
Neglecting the Necessary Plasma Pen Aftercare Recommendations
After fibroblast plasma pen treatment, the process is just as crucial as the treatment itself. Promoting proper aftercare will not only boost results but reduce recovery time!
But what do you put on your skin after treatment? Do topical products help the recovery process? Are you allowed to put topical products on your recovering skin?
Yes and no. It depends on the product.
Not all products are created equal, meaning some can harm your sensitive, healing post-treatment skin rather than good. For example, some products contain chemicals that can cause a reaction to sensitive skin. This can cause a response to the already sensitive skin, encouraging irritation or even infection to skin that’s meant to be nourished during the healing process.
That’s why investing in proper aftercare is essential when doing at-home plasma pen treatments. It’s also important to educate yourself on plasma pen risks to be aware of, using this article here to avoid them.
Putting on Skincare Products or Washing the Face Too Soon After Treatment
One of the biggest mistakes you can make post-plasma pen treatment is putting on makeup or washing your face after treatment. As discussed above, the skin is super sensitive post-treatment, and the likelihood of infection or scarring can be raised if promoting improper aftercare.
So you may ask when you can put on makeup or wash your face post-treatment.
Read the linked articles for detailed information on when it is best, but ensure that you are not rushing the healing process. This can lead to a longer healing process or even damage to the skin that may be irreversible.
Thinking Just One Treatment is Necessary for Desired Results
Though we may all assume that we can get away with just one treatment to solve our skincare issues, that isn't the case.
So, how many plasma pen treatments do you need? Check out our post discussing when it is best to invest in more plasma pen treatments and when you know you don’t need to take part in any more treatments.
Performing Secondary Treatments Too Soon
Something you never want to do is perform more plasma pen treatments too soon after your last treatment. This can be incredibly harmful to your skin.
There is a plasma pen healing process with a dedicated timeline that must be invested in for an optimal healing process. Rushing the healing process can be a big mistake you don’t want to make. Following the timeline for the healing process, allowing the body to do its job without harmful interference can promote better results. Hindering the healing process can damage the skin and lengthen the healing process.
But how long does it take to heal from plasma pen treatment? It depends on the individual, but giving your skin at least three months before proceeding with secondary treatment is essential.
These Common Fibroblast Plasma Pen Mistakes Can Be Avoided With Dermavel!
There are many common fibroblast plasma pen mistakes to avoid. Thankfully, investing in a high-quality plasma fibroblast pen for sale and a brand like Dermavel will ease your worries and concerns. Backed by loads of plasma pen before and after photos, our Dermavel plasma pen reviews can do the talking for us.
Our safe, affordable, top-notch fibroblast at-home plasma pen is guaranteed to bloom your skincare goals into success with our proven results. Achieve the glowing, stunning skin you’ve been yearning for and restore your confidence with Dermavel’s at-home fibroblast plasma pen!